Sunday, May 15, 2011

Always Learning.

I love to make something out of wormwood. Just think the finished pieces feel older. Like maybe they've seen more. Have richer stories.

This particular Ash bowl taught me two very valuable things well after I thought we were done.

First, always put your wormwood in the microwave for 30 seconds to a minute after you're finished (and before any metal adornments, of course). Why? Many times those darn worms are still hard at work inside. The last thing you want, is to set your creation down on something they'd find tastier. Like, say, an expensive table. Or your prized stash of other drying wood. Because they will gravitate towards it. They will tuck in.

Second, oil makes things yellow over time. First it brings out the color, later if turns yellow. I used standard Tung oil here. This Ash started out a lovely silver, with black mold running all through it. I hadn't paid any attention to it in several months, only to realize, well, now it's yellow.

Still a lovely bowl, but not anything like its former color. Now it has a different feel about it. More old than aged. Good to know.

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