Several months ago, I wanted to see if I could save a rotten piece of wood – and if I could, how would it turn?
If you look back, this was the piece with about 16 nails buried in it; and about three-quarters gone. As you can see, really terrific coloring. I only wish I'd spent more time sanding; but to be honest, the smell was really getting to me; and my eyes were watering a lot. (Note: the manufacture says this stuff is very safe to work with; maybe I'm just super sensitive.)
I soaked the roughed out piece in an epoxy solution from the Rot Doctor (here in Seattle) and let it dry for a while. The upper right hand portion (in the first pic) is all that's not rotten. I was pleased as punch to see the completely mushy parts solidify and then turn well. Although, there is still a very noticeable density difference as it spins, and I was still having a bit of a tear-out issue.
I think it's red maple, but I'm not sure. Finished with a semi-gloss wipe-on varnish.
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