Since moving from Atlanta, I think I've mentioned the incidences of my roughs cracking as they dry have gone up. Either I'm not paying enough attention to the circumference/thickness ratios, or the damp nature of my drying space ain't helpin'.

I got tired of throwing out nice, big cherry roughs, so I've decided to try something. Dye and epoxy. Maybe it'll make for a pretty neat design. Dunno. I do know I'll save another piece of wood and learn something in the process if nothing else. So, off we go.
First I got the rough back in round.

Then taped off the outside of the bowl; as it'll be easier to fill the crack full from the smaller side. Otherwise, I'll have a flat spot that won't be rounded.

After filling the crack, I taped up the inside and let it set for a couple of hours to dry. Had to repeat the process, as air bubbles worked their way up and out of the fill. Suppose a thinner epoxy mix might account for alleviating that, but we shall see as I do more of them.

For now, I'm looking forward to finishing this one, and seeing what comes of it. Stay tuned.